One just has to look around at the youngsters of today to see that appearance has become of utmost importance – from heavily made up faces with uber-eyelashes to designer led outfits. For centuries women have tried their best to accentuate their best features and disguise their worst BUT, in my opinion, this rush to CHANGE facial features is wrong.
Professionally I haven’t really had much demand for facial interventions by the under 20’s – my patients tend to be more mature women fighting the ageing battle! However, one just has to look at the ‘celebrity’ role models of today with their over inflated lips and fixed, immobile faces to know that youngsters think this is now the norm.
Body dysmorphia is a very real condition and I worry that numbers will rise along with the easy access and relative affordability of non-surgical aesthetic ‘tweakments’. How can circumstances change? It’s a difficult problem to alter and we all need to step up to help our young:
Some injectors argue that denying the young would lead to more unscrupulous, dangerous ‘back street’ practice…I say that without proper legislation this is happening anyway. Good skin care is one thing and yes, taking care of your skin from an early age with Hydrafacials etc will help keep skin in optimum condition BUT changing features with unnecessary fillers and botox is quite another. Our young are bombarded with so many images on a daily basis, and we all need to help them feel better about themselves and embrace their natural beauty.
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Middlesex HA5 5PW