Getting fit? Wear a good sports bra to avoid premature drooping says UK’s leading female plastic surgeon, Ms Angelica Kavouni

Ms Angelica Kavouni FRCS EBOPRAS Cosmetic Surgeon • February 24, 2015

As Spring approaches huge numbers of us up the ante in our exercise programmes. Whilst I applaud shedding a few pounds and improving cardiovascular fitness PLEASE give some thought to your poor Cooper’s Ligaments during this season’s escalating activity agendas!

coopers ligaments Acting as natural breast scaffolding, the Cooper’s Ligament is a thin collection of connective tissue that attaches to the collar bone and the underlying connective tissue of the major chest muscle known as the pectorals.

sports bra 1 A good, supportive sports bra is a must even if you have a naturally small A breast cup. A plain crop top isn’t really good enough as once these ligaments are damaged they can’t be repaired. Again, prevention is better than cure…

A study by the University of Portsmouth’s Breast Health research group found that during exercise, breasts don’t just bob up and down but actually move through a complicated figure of eight pattern – and this is the same whether walking or jogging.

So, enjoy your Spring exercise programme but remember it’s not all about the muffin top this exercise season – the breasts need some TLC too!

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