Upper eyelid surgery under local anaesthetic – a patient’s blog DAY 0

Ms Angelica Kavouni FRCS EBOPRAS Cosmetic Surgeon • December 14, 2012

Throughout my life I have had quite heavy eyelids, but due to their unusual green colour, they have always been one of my most striking facial features.  Over the last five years I have noticed a dramatic change in my upper eyelids.  They appear to be getting increasingly lower, sometimes resting on the eyelash line, I have also stopped wearing eye shadow as it seemed pointless due to the lack of visible upper lid.

Now 48 with my 50th looming, I decided to do something about my problem and, after much research, found the most wonderful cosmetic plastic surgeon, Ms Angelica Kavouni.

Angelica gave me the option of having surgery under local or general – I opted for the former, as I feel I am quite stoic, and also wanted to be able to leave hospital under my own steam, without relying on others to collect me.

I have to say, on the day of surgery I did feel a little anxious, but having full confidence in my surgeon helped to relax me…also the staff at the Cadogan Clinic were wonderful and I felt very much at home.

Angelica marked the incision line on my eyelids, injected the local, and started the procedure with all 3 of us chatting and listening to some great tunes on the theatre Ipod, which made the overall experience oddly relaxing – although I did feel a little disconcerted twice during the procedure.  First was during the local injections which were not pleasant – although very brief! The second time was when Angelica used the diathermy to stop capillaries bleeding, as it smelt like burning flesh.   After a bit of reassurance, all was well!

It seems I ‘oozed a little’ during surgery (I assured Angelica I had not touched a drop of wine for two weeks prior to surgery, but I don’t think she believed me!)

The procedure took just under an hour and, after sitting for a bit with icepacks on my eyes and a cup of sweet tea, I was ready to leave.

The journey home was interesting – wearing my Jackie O sunglasses in the dark of night, and on the brightly lit tube…..!!!  Some slight ‘ooze’ from my left eye whilst on my overground train journey was unfortunate, but I managed to subtly swab this away with a spare Burger King napkin without alarming my fellow travellers.  The taxi driver at the other end brashly asked me why I was wearing dark glasses at night – I brusquely told him I suffered from migraine and the lights hurt my eyes.  Seemed to quell his questions!

Arrived home safe and sound to spend the evening swallowing Arnica tablets, applying Arnica cream and  periodically dipping my head in the freezer….with bruising starting to declare itself, I’m off to bed.  In goes the sticky antibiotic eye cream and it’s light out – literally, as I can no longer open my eyes, they’re stuck together.

So ends DAY 0

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