40 IS the new 30, thanks to developments in the field of anti-ageing

Ms Angelica Kavouni FRCS EBOPRAS Cosmetic Surgeon • October 16, 2012

Thanks to developments in the field of anti-ageing, we can now all stay looking as young as we feel.

We now understand what happens to the skin during the ageing process – and, thanks to this, have been able to devise ways to stop it in its tracks (without looking ‘done’).  Skin imagery has shown the dramatic improvement on skin age after certain anti-ageing treatments – such as Fraxel laser, chemical peels, Sculptra etc

The major underlying ageing factor is loss of collagen and the elasticity this gives the skin. The ability to ‘bounce back’or laxity is vital for maintaining facial definition – when we are young we tend to take for-granted our taught, well defined chin and neck, full cheeks and wide open eyes.

When collagen ‘scaffolding’ starts to fail, gravity takes hold and skin starts to droop leading to formation of jowls, deepening nose-to-mouth lines, drooping upper eyelids and the much dreaded ‘turkey neck’.

Stimulation of collagen production can see a reversal of the ageing process, with the skin becoming taught once more and reduction of lines and wrinkles etc.  Stimulation can be triggered via controlled ‘damage’ of the skin cells which secrete collagen as part of the healing mechanism, so most non-surgical anti-ageing treatments seek to ‘damage’ cells.

The anti-ageing solutions I have selected are safe, proven and have strong scientific basis.  My message for those of us seeking to turn the clock back is  REPLACE + RESTORE + REVIVE:

Re-place:  Sculptra and hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm, Sub Q, Restylane & Belotero

Re-store:  Fraxel Dual Laser, Fraxel CO2, Thermage CPT, chemical peels

Re-vive:   Hydrafacial

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